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All you need to know about SFC is in this video.

Video contents


●Faculty of PM
●Faculty of EI
●Comparing the two faculties
●Kenkyukai (Research Seminar)
●Diverse Research Fields

●GIGA Program

●Why Choose SFC? 

●Financial Aid

●Student Support 

Student Life
●Student Activities


Why the GIGA

Problems and issues in our society and the world have become increasingly complex, and designing solutions for them requires a broad integrated knowledge across various fields. The GIGA Program trains students to identify and resolve these complex issues by offering an education that integrates technology, science, design, and governance. The GIGA Program, taught in English, prepares students with the knowledge and skills necessary for this era of rapid progress, thus positioning them for preeminent careers in global enterprises.


Our featured courses are selected through a rigorous process and uniquely created for each semester.

Fundamental Subjects

Advanced Subjects

Seminar (Kenkyukai)

Graduation Project

Requirements for Graduation

Japanese Language Study

Student Voices

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